DDI wins the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention of NCD’s
Published on 28/09/2021
This is a prestigious award given to DDI its efforts in addressing diabetes and its complications
After careful consideration by the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and in recognition of continuous efforts of the Dasman Diabetes Institute, it has been selected to receive the prestigious international award of year 2021. This award is the result of months of tireless work with the Ministry of Health to develop a national diabetes registry, as well as the Institute’s remarkable contributions to the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its related complications, as well as obesity. It is worth noting that The United Nations Interagency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of NCDs, was established by the United Nations Secretary-General in 2013 and has more than 40 members with World Health Organization acting as its secretariat. It called for nominations for the 2021 awards to recognize achievements during 2020 on multisectoral action in the prevention and control of NCDs, mental health and the wider NCD-related Sustainable Development Goals. This is the fourth year that the awards Scheme has been running and a number of organizations from allover the world competed for this award from which DDI emerged as a winning institution in its category.
The announcement of the Institute’s winning of this important award, is an addition to the rich balance of honors, awards and achievements, which it has accomplished, and is still striving to achieve more of, was made recently during the meeting of the working groups on the occasion of the convening of the United Nations General Assembly.
From his side, Dr. Qais Al-Duwairi, Director General of the Dasman Diabetes Institute, which was established by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, has expressed his gratitude for the institute’s winning of this award, saying, “This award is another international honor awarded to the institute, and this award motivates us to aspire and strive to do more. Putting all our efforts, energies and expertise to make more progress in the medical, research and awareness fields for the benefit of our beloved country.” Dr. Al-Duwairi added, “I take this opportunity to express our great gratitude to the World Health Organization for their confidence and being a partner with our institute, as well as many thanks to Dr. Khaled Al-Fadhel, Director General of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences and members of its board of directors for the continuous support and funding provided by the Foundation to the Institute since its establishment until today, and for the Foundation’s support for the acceleration of science, research and development”. “Many thanks also to the Ministry of Health, headed by His Excellency the Minister of Health Sheikh Dr. Basil Al-Sabah for all the support and cooperation they provide, Dr. Al-Duwairi also expressed, “Thanks are also extended to Dr. Hilal Al-Sayer, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dasman Diabetes Institute, for his vision and guidance for the institute’s vision and goals.”
In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Institute has made great progress, especially in the field of research and the publication of a large number of studies in prestigious international journals and in cooperation with leading institutions in the world, where the Institute pays most of its attention to scientific research, but this goes hand in hand with the services it provides, such as treatment in various specialties of complications of diabetes, awareness and training at an advanced and integrated level.