DDI develops model to predict and study the COVID-19 outbreak in Kuwait
Published on 24/04/2020
Our team of researchers have worked closely with Kuwait University to develop a model to study the spread of coronavirus infection in Kuwait called the Predictive Mathematical Model SARS COV 2. This model is based on the SEIR system (Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, and Resistant). The effectiveness of this model is evident in the MoH’s efforts to contain the virus. Our government has taken extreme, but necessary measures contain, isolate and neutralize the virus by closing schools, restaurants and commercial complexes and enforcing quarantine.
The Predictive Mathematical Model SARS COV 2 is an epidemiological model that takes demographics and geographical distribution into consideration, stimulating the current reality in Kuwait, and enables a preliminary evaluation of any containment strategy before its application. We have offered this model and its capabilities to the MoH to support their efforts to contain the virus. We have also cooperated with the MoH to carry out genetic sequencing of COVID-19. This is a part of the active support and cooperation between the ministry and the DDI that allows us to utilize our scientific expertise to further study COVID-19.